I have heard it said, “God doesn’t call the equipped, but He equips the called.” Through the years, I would have people say to me, “you have a call on your life.” Although it was an excellent statement to hear, I didn’t quite understand what that meant, and what it would look like when I had finally answered the call. Even though I was God’s girl, most of the time I felt unqualified and defeated. What I didn’t realize is that God had called me before I was born.
To call someone means; to summon; to give somebody a name; to predict what is going to happen. He had set me apart, and although there were times in my life it appeared I had made a mess of everything by my deliberate choices; He was summoning me, and when it was the appointed time, He would start to use all my mistakes, and bring about good from them.
God does not waste anything in our lives when we surrender our lives to Him. He turns it all around, so we will see how good a God He is. Everything I went through, and will yet go through, are the very things that God has used and will use, to equip me to go forth with what He has called me to.
You see when we are in the right season in our lives, and only He knows when that is; He will raise us up! He say’s, “Now is the time.” The gifts and talents He gave us from the moment we were conceived start to manifest in our lives. All He has purposed for us to be and to do is already within us.
It is like a seed that you plant, and some seeds grow faster than others. Some take years to sprout up and become a beautiful tree. God is the beautiful Gardner of our life, and He knows just how to fertilize our lives, so to speak, to bring about the perfect growth.
Do you hear Him calling you? He has been summoning you all your life, but are you listening? What weeds in your life are drowning out the tender, sweet, voice of your Savior? Allow Him in, and He will take all weeded mess, and the prickly thorns in your life, and make a beautiful, wonderful, unique garden that others will be drawn to. He will do the qualifying for the call that He places in your life. Just call out to Him, and the beautfiul Gardener of your life will answer!