No human fully understands the roads you have traveled.
No one fully knows why certain things trigger you, nor the pain you have felt that causes these triggers.
No one fully knows the extent of the fears you have carried that cause you to live in a state of self-preservation.
No one fully knows the abandonment you have felt and the rejection you have suffered.
No one fully knows what makes you, you! The good, the bad, the ugly. The things you wish you could change, the regrets that hold you hostage some days.
No one fully knows your hopes, dreams, and disappointments. The things that drive you.
Most certainly, no human fully knows you, except the One who created you.
He fully knows you and He has seen it all. He has felt it all with you. Every moment, every second, the things you don't even remember, and the things you do.
You are fully seen, fully loved, and fully accepted! Nothing He knows will ever change how He feels about.
He knows you better than you know yourself and He will never be ashamed of you.
So, when others don't understand, remember no one fully can. Let the One who does reassure you with what He sees when He looks at you.
You have scars, but He does too. Everything He did was specifically for you.
You are precious and beautiful in His sight, worth more to Him than you can fathom.
He would choose you over and over again, and you are His uttermost delight.