Shame is a mocker. It constantly intimidates us and causes us to define ourselves by what we have done. It whispers in the shadows of our mind telling us we will never be good enough to truly be loved. It holds us hostage to our past and the mistakes that we have made.
Shame doesn't play nice. It causes us to continually perform to receive acceptance from God as well as others. It prevents authenticity and vulnerability because we always feel the need to cover ourselves with a mask in fear of being rejected.
Shame distorts our vision so we cannot see ourselves, others, and God correctly. Shame shuts down our ability to receive love. It is fierce in the way it lies to us.
Most certainly, shame is a mocker, but God is bigger than our shame. Over time, He convinces us that we need not be on the performance treadmill to keep Him happy with us. His love woos us out into the open where we can stand before Him naked and unashamed, because He has always fully known us. His love is immense, and He accepts us apart from what we have done. Every obedience was fulfilled through Jesus so shame no longer has to rule over our lives. When it tries to rear its ugly head, we can tell it that it has no place to prosper in our lives.